My ClubHub Parent Portal

About Parent Portal


MyClubHub is our new membership management software and it includes a Parent Portal.  This Portal allows our Club parents to purchase new memberships, renew existing memberships, and register for leagues and other programs.  One parent/guardian in each household (the primary account holder) will have an online account to manage all memberships.


Below are videos to help guide you through using the Parent Portal. If you have further questions, please contact your local Club directly.

Parent Portal Intro

This video will walk you through all of the different things you can do on the Portal.

Creating an Account

One parent/guardian in each household (the primary account holder) will need to create an account the first time they visit the portal.

Purchasing or Renewing a Membership

Memberships can now be purchased and renewed online using the Portal.

Membership Scholarships

All membership scholarships need to be applied for BEFORE purchasing a membership.

Registering for Leagues & Programs

All leagues, transportation fees, field trips, etc. will be purchased/registered for online.

Summer Registration

More information coming soon on how to register for summer programming.